Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My pretty onion :)

Lady and gentlemen, I am happy to present  you my onion I planted in a nice pink pot one week agoImage. It's growing too fast (about 2-3cm a day) that I had to cut some leaves for my diner yesterday (concretely my fried pupas) Image. I have some more leaves and it will have two or three new bulbs, I hope. Let's see!

Can I save $1-2  with my onion???

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Vous avez gagné !


  Bonjour Mademoiselle Le Van NGO,

Vous avez participé au grand JEU FOOTGO lancé le 1er février 2006. Les résultats arrivent enfin !!!


Vous aviez choisi l’équipe Angleterre. Vous avez donc gagné 4 bon(s) de réduction d’une valeur de 20 euros chacun.

Ils sont valables jusqu'au du 31 juillet 2007.

Cha la may thang truoc to co mua ve may bay cua British Airways qua agence Go voyages, lai dung dip sap den World Cup, nen Go voyages co tro xo so.  To chua bao gio trung nhung tro choi may man, nen cung khong hi vong gi, cu click bua vao do. To cung con chang nho la minh da choi tro nay va da chon doi nao. Image

Va ket qua la to trung 4 bons de reduction chi dung cho cac loai ve may bay cua British Airways, mua qua agence Govoyages, moi bon chi dung cho 1 ve. Tu gio den het thang 7 nam sau chac to cung khong di dau ma dung het 4 cai ve may bay cua hang nay. Vi vay ban nao co nhu cau thi lien he voi to, to gui code cho nhe. Reserver ve o day. 20 euros cung du mua may cai kem day nhi Image

(tu dung minh di quang cao cho 2 hang nay)