Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My pretty onion :)

Lady and gentlemen, I am happy to present  you my onion I planted in a nice pink pot one week agoImage. It's growing too fast (about 2-3cm a day) that I had to cut some leaves for my diner yesterday (concretely my fried pupas) Image. I have some more leaves and it will have two or three new bulbs, I hope. Let's see!

Can I save $1-2  with my onion???


  1. Cai do khong an hanh :))

  2. Hello Van, dat dai cua Evanston tôt nhỉ ;) bao giờ nó lên đc nhieu nhieu co khi to cung phai den xin Van 1 goc ve trong :D (binh thuong mua hanh ngoai cho thi hinh nhu nguoi ta uop lanh hay sao y, to ko nghi la trong duoc). Hope to save some bucks on green onions over here too ;) thuc ra to cung thich trong 1 cai cay gi do trong nha ma khong khó tính quá (doi hoi cham soc vua phai thoi), cay hanh co ve hop ly ve nhieu phuong dien nhi :P
    Hom no to voi may dua ban di lac duong, di tu Lincoln Park dang le ve nha thi phai xuong phia Nam, nhung bon to lai di nguoc len Evanston => nho den bon ay :p tiec la di buoi toi nen dam ra chang thay Evanston lung linh duoc nhu lan truoc, ma cung ko chay u` qua tham nha bon ay mot cai duoc :P Hom nao khac nhe' :)

  3. Cay hanh nay xinh lam
    Trong no den khi nao ra cu mang ve VN lam qua cho tao nhe.

  4. blab blab blab blab, miss Van has just presented us with an ground-grown onion, a very simple grass but with our hands, with some patience, we have a very economical meal. Moreover we don't need to go out for the shopping. That's pretty cool!
    But be careful, when the onion grows more, I'm afraid that without any support it will fall and break itself . Maybe I'm too prudent proven that the onion grows less rapidly than the cutting.

  5. Khong biet cay hanh cua to co ra duoc cu nao de lam mon "tom kho thit mo" khong day ;)

  6. Anh lay het cu di kho thit roi, gio lai noi khong co cu nao :p
